What is Functional Medicine?

Are you a great fit to work with us? This is who we help best:

  • Individuals who have a desire to optimize their genes through nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements.

  • Individuals who feel bloated, especially after eating, have digestive distress, pain, reflux, constipation and/or diarrhea and want to improve their digestive and immune systems.

  • Women who feel fatigued, stressed, depressed or overweight and want to feel alive again (have you forgotten what "good" feels like?).

  • Athletes who want to design an ideal training program based upon present nutritional and hormonal status (e.g. is this your year to do the "big" race or should you wait a year until your adrenals and hormones are in a better place?

  • People who are willing to work to find natural solutions to their body's rhythm and metabolism rather than popping pills to suppress symptoms.

Who would NOT be a good fit to work with us?

  • Someone who needs a quick fix and is not willing to be patient while we unwind the years of damage in your body.

  • Someone who is unwilling to make changes to their present food and activity habits.

  • Someone who does not believe that food, nutritional supplements and activity can create health in your body (if you don't believe it, you certainly won't work for it!).

What services do we offer?

If you become a patient of Renew Functional Medicine, there are several ways that we can work together:

  • Personal one-on-one treatment. Treatment always starts with a very intensive set of questions and a history. This generally takes 45-60 minutes. Together we will chart your course, pinpoint which lab testing might be beneficial in helping us better understand the root of your dysfunction and the course of your care. The length of treatment is completely dependent upon your state of health. If your case is not complex, it may only take 2-3 months. However, while complex cases can take 6 months to a year to completely reverse, relief of symptoms often occurs fairly quickly after treatment begins.

  • Virtual consultations. We offer consultations for individual clients wanting counseling on nutrition and lifestyle factors, how they interact with your genes and how you can use them to improve your health. We primarily work with clients within Michigan.