ADHD and Chiropractic Care

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What is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 11 percent of school-age children. ADHD is characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. How does Chiropractic help ADHD?

Chiropractic is one of the many health care options available to those with ADHD. It is based on the idea that when a patient’s brain is functioning properly, they can be healthier than average. They may be able to avoid or reduce symptoms caused by problems with the nerves, blood vessels and muscles. Reported benefits of chiropractic treatment for children with ADHD?

✅ Improved concentration

✅ Improved communication in daily activities

✅ Reduced behavioral difficulties in schools

✅ Reduced self-harm behaviors

✅ Reduced hospitalizations for behavioral problems

✅ Reduced parental anxiety and negative attitudes toward children with ADHD

✅ Increased parental involvement in care and treatment of the child

✅ Decrease in the frequency of falls and increased functional and communicative language skills.

For more resources on how Chiropractic helps children with ADHD please check out the links below: